We have 24 hours in each day. Many times I feel like I don't maximize my time because I get consumed by social media or laziness. I have learned to set goals and work towards achieving them, even if I am fearful of failure. Fear is normal, but we can not let fear hinder us from pursuing God's will for our lives. Whenever I am fearful I focus on this scripture verse:
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
It uplifts me and assures me that God has already instilled the resources needed to accomplish anything I set my mind too. Be encouraged. Whatever journey you are on God will make a way if you work towards your goal. It may not happen when you want it too, but it will happen if it is the will of God.
Take the time to put down the phone and make a list of the goals you want to accomplish. Take the steps to maximize your time by researching, reading or just pursuing what you feel called to do. It is worth the time and effort. I see the fruits of it already.
Peace & Love
Co-Founder Princess