October has been a bit of a hectic month. We received an overwhelming amounts of donations that will help the children at the Eye of the Lord Orphanage when we go January 7th, 2019. It took a few days to pack everything, but we did it ! Everything was packed and shipped to Ghana last Thursday. We would like to thank everyone for their donations and words of support. Our team appreciates you! Starting this nonprofit has not been easy, but we have learned so much already. I personally value the trials and triumphs on this journey thus far.
We are still taking monetary donations to achieve our goal to pay for the catered lunches and purchase the whiteboards to be installed in every classroom. If you are able to donate or tell someone about our non-profit organization please do. Just click “Take Action” and you will be able to donate from there. Also, once there we will be recording our experience at the orphanage and sharing it with you all. I can’t wait for you all to see the joy on these children’s faces because of your donations.
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill
Peace & Love
Co-Founder Princess